January 2, 2012


You all know Darby, the sweet, adorable, gentle Havanese friend of ours.  We walk with him and his Guardian, D2, a lot.   

Well, last week Darby started throwing up every time he tried to eat his breakfast and dinner.  His Guardian is very careful about his diet and only gives him approved snacks (like pugged up I mean puffed up rice and occasional Cheerios) every now and then.  We always thought he was cheated, since our Guardian gives us lots of tiny snacks—like cut up organic beef jerkey, buffalo jerky, dried plain duck breast, and dried liver with no bad stuff in it—when we take walks, and Darby gets nothing.  But now we know why.  And we’re just as happy to eat all the treats from our stash that might have been tossed his way.  But we'd never want to hear he couldn't even eat his own food!

Well, D2 took him to the vet on Friday, and here it is Monday and he STILL cannot keep any food down.  D2 said he was on something called  "Ivy," ‘cause he was all dried out.  Today we found out the vets will have to cut into his tummy, ‘cause these same dumb vets who charge lots and lots of money and are supposed to be experts in finding out why doggies get sick, can’t figure it out!  (Some day our Guardian will tell you the story about this same vet office that misdiagnosed another pug that Guardian used to have and charged her a lot of $$$ to tell her the wrong thing!  We don’t go to them anymore—unless our vet is closed.  There’s another weekend story about my throwing up and having to go there.  But I got better right away, which had nothing to do with the vets!)

But we won't say anything more that's bad about them, because we want to believe they're better at cutting into a doggie's tummy to find out why he's sick than they are at other things.

Guardian D2 is sick herself with worry and fear.  We're all not so thrilled, either.

SOOOOO…we are going to do what Puglet (of The Daily Puglet) does when he hears of sick doggies—he asks that everyone send “good ju-ju” to the sick doggie to help him get well.

PLEASE EVERYONE, SEND REALLY, REALLY EXCELLENT JU-JU TO OUR FRIEND DARBY.  We miss him and we want him all well and back walking with us!  

Please help him have a really good 2012!!

Gus here--Send good Ju-Ju to Darby  
Jazz here--yeah, send excellent Ju-Ju to Darby


  1. Hey Jazz, love your name found your blog on The Daily Puglet. We are sending juju for Darby.
    Rambo and Miss Ellie

  2. Just like Rambo and Miss Ellie. I read DP, sending good juju to your friend, Darby.

    I will drop by here and there from now on : )


