November 14, 2011


Darby is a special little dog.  Guardian tells us he is rare.  He’s something called a “Havanese,” which is the national dog of Cuba.  Darby’s guardian says he is part of the “Beeshawn” family, whatever that is.

Darby is Gus’s age (5), and I’ve known him practically his whole life.  He used to be really shy around just about everybody, but he thinks Gus and I rock! He’s never been shy around us, that’s for sure.  Well, I don’t mean he plays rough and tumble like Gus and I do, but he comes right up to us and uses his pink tongue on our faces when we let him.  Whenever his Guardian takes him for a walk and then he sees us, he uses all of his 10 pounds to pull his Guardian to us.  She must be really weak, since she just about hangs on when he does this.

Used to be that Darby would hide behind his Guardian when strange people came up to him.  He’d be very selective about his friends (I think we’re his best friends!).  Now, though, he lets more people pet him and barks really loud when he sees certain dogs he doesn’t like.  He even takes on the big dogs now—well I mean he barks BIG at them! You wouldn't think such a loud noise can come from such a small dog.

We take lots of walks with Darby and his Guardian, round and round where we live.  My Guardian says it’s a pack walk, like Cesar Millan, the Dog Whisperer (which my Guardian always brags that she’s met him personally several times, even one-on-one before he got all insanely popular. All I know is that she left us for way too many days a year ago to go on something called "The Great Dog Adventure," where she had even more time to be around the Dog Whisperer.) Whatever.

I like being around Darby because then everyone thinks HE’S a girl dog!  You have to admit he's insanely cute, like a girl dog should be (ahem--ahem--like me, of course!).

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