November 22, 2011


I love Gus and Jazz. Especially Jazz because I have known her longer and also she made me famous by writing about me on the internet and now I have many fans.  When I am in my house and my Guardian says “Gus and Jazz” I start dancing around because I know I will see them soon. Then when we go outside I know how to get to their house and start running up the street. Even when we are not walking with them, if we pass by their house I look at it longingly.

Walking with Gus and Jazz is one of my very favorite things to do. They do neat tricks like standing on two legs and walking backwards. Their Guardian gives them treats and I keep trying to get one but they are always too fast. Their Guardian would give me one, but I have something called a “sensitive stomach” and am supposed to be careful what I eat.

Gus and Jazz are really lucky because they have short hair. Mine is long and leaves and stuff get stuck in it. When I get a leaf stuck to a foot I have to stop walking until my Guardian takes it out. She calls me “the Prince and the Pea”. I don’t know what that means but Gus and Jazz’s Guardian and my Guardian always laugh. It’s not really a laughing matter.

Gus and Jazz have lots of great sweaters and coats. I have only two coats but I can’t blame my Guardian. It’s hard to get coats for me. If my hair gets smushed down it gets all matted and hard to comb and then I complain. She is going to try to get me some boots for winter because I do not like my feet to touch snow.

One thing I love even more than seeing Gus and Jazz is going into their house. I get to sniff everything and maybe play with one of their toys. When we get close I drag my Guardian up to the door. I don’t get to go inside very often but I am forever hopeful.

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