January 5, 2012


For all of you wonderful people and dogs that sent juju to Darby the Havanese, I wanted you to know he’s finally home!  He was supposed to come home Wednesday, but he missed the throw-up deadline.  Like he couldn’t go more than 24 hours and keep his food in his tummy.  But he kept everything from coming back up for more than a day, so the animal hospital said his Guardian could have him back again.  She was so happy and relieved!  

We wanted to rush over and greet him, but our Guardian said he needed time to be at home and let his Guardian, D2, have alone time with him.  We weren’t even allowed to send our Guardian to get a picture.

But then we heard that the animal doctors still don’t have a cause for all the throwing up.  Guardian told us it was just something called “IBD,” which is no more than just guts that are not working right.  They don’t know what else to say.  We also heard that they are waiting for all the test results.  Not sure if that was for the quizzes,  mid-term or final exam, but we all hope he passes them with an A+!

Come back tomorrow and see if we have a new photo of Darby!

In the meantime, Gus and I were so happy, we did our 2 minute pug wrestling match (if this doesn't play, then blame Guardian's lame attempt at doing a YouTube thingy, then trying to put the movie here--anyway, you can find it on our new YouTube channel--pugsnortreport1 ):

1 comment:

  1. Yeah Darby!!!!!!! great news, we are sending more juju so you can get better and better.
