February 6, 2012


Now, you may not, but we LOVE bath time! Because Gus stinks faster than I do, we have to have baths pretty often. So loving baths--- a good thing.  I’m a pretty naked pug—only one layer of coat and a very bare chest and belly.  So there’s not much to get dirty.  Gus is almost 4 pounds bigger (that’s a lot in pug pounds, remember) and has more hair.  Plus he’s a boy, and even though he lost some of his parts a while ago, he starts to stink pretty quickly, even after a bath.  

Anyway, like I said, we really love bath time—mainly because we get treats while we’re in the tub and then we play with our ‘Cuz Squeaky Balls afterwards.  Tonight was one of those nights.  Thought we’d share some of what happens.  If you hate baths, maybe you need to ask your Guardian to change a few things so you, too, can love them.
Here's our bath place--sort of afterwards. 

Our shampoos.

I get the Tropiclean only.  Gus gets ‘em both, cause he has some skin problems.

Here’s where all the goodies are.  Treats in the center, our 'Cuz Balls in the other pockets. Guardian wears this.  This is when we wish we were Irish Wolfhounds so we could empty those pockets quickly! We're just WAY too short to do it as pugs.

I get in the tub first.
I’m the easiest and quickest.  I planned it that way, so I can get to play with my orange 'Cuz ball faster.

Gus is next.  He’ll talk about his bath time in the tub next. (I’m outside the bathroom playing with the ball, so I don’t know what goes on in there.)
Gus here. Yeah, I get washed, rinsed, soaped again, and then the fun begins!
This is me getting treats in one place.
Then I go to two other treat stops.

I just keep racing from one to the other, because treats magically appear. I’m gettin’ really fast at this, too!  That goes on for a while, and then I get the second shampoo rinsed off and the treat fun stops. But different fun is comin'!

Jazz again here.  We each get dried off after the washing and rinsing. That’s not all that much fun.  But, hey, we know ball-time is getting closer. Like I said earlier, I get my ball first and mainly love to chew on it.  Gus and Guardian go in another room and Gus chases balls that squeak. Guardian says he slobbers on them, too, so she has to use a second ball so she can dry the slobbered ball off while he’s slobbering up another one.  Otherwise the squeak becomes silent.   I got smart and now like the non-squeaky one, ‘cause Gus doesn’t try to steal that from me.  I hide in another room mostly, chewing and pretending the ball is hiding, then digging like crazy to find it, but I like it that way.  I’m unique.

This is what’s left for Guardian. It’s our gift to her:

And this is what she’d like to become after Bath and Ball Time are OVER.

So, if any of you pugs out there hate baths--maybe you could have your Guardians read this post.  Sometimes humans need to be educated properly.  But let us know if it works!

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