February 24, 2014


So you know we're having the winter from hell here.  It's not that we have the most snow ever...it's that just when we think there's no more, Wham! we look out the door and the sidewalk that was sidewalk color is then white.

Well, the last few days the snow mountains that looked like this
Yeah, we know it runs into the words over there...well it's run into our lives like that!

have turned to this

You remember seeing us like this
complete with yellow snow everywhere.  Then, it went to this

We didn't care where the snow went--just glad it's melting.  YIPPEE!

Then even though another pretty lady on TV told us how much snow we'd had already (like, the biggest number there--more than Alaska!), we knew that we were--YIPPEE #2!--watching it melt away.
Until she showed us THIS picture
Do we see that s*** word again!?  And because Guardian is layering us up again in coats, even in the house, we figured no more melting mountains.

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