April 25, 2012


Not much happening lately....well. let me say there HAVE been things happening, but Guardian hasn’t been doing much with Canon.  Everyone wants to SEE me and Gus, not just read about us.  That’s why it’s been a month since we’ve been posting here. So lame!

Anyway, one of our dogless neighbors, Jake, was talking a lot about a flower he has called The Devil’s Tongue.  It was really hard to imagine what he was talking about.  One flower on a long stalk, a weird purple color, and a really, really bad smell, according to humans.   I heard someone reading out loud that it "mimics the smell of a dead water buffalo."  (But I bet we pugs would find that smell YUMMY and want to roll around in it!)

When the flower came into bloom, Jake invited us over to see it.  Seeing it was even weirder than trying to picture it when Jake described it.  See for yourself!

Just to show you how freakin’ BIG and Alien this thing is, here we are next to it. I’m cringing 'cuz I didn’t want it to EAT me--which it could have done!  NO LIE!   I overheard the humans talking about how the smell attracts creatures, and sometimes they fall into that thing’s--what do I call it?...tube??   Gus doesn’t look very sure of it, either, does he? I lost any desire to roll around in it, I can tell you that!  And those are Jake's legs in the back--and he's a tall guy.  I don't know how he can sleep at night, knowing he's got the devil's tongue just waiting to swallow him up.

Would you want to tempt being sucked down into THIS!!??