May 25, 2013


Well, once again we've gone from spring into summer, with clouds and rain in-between. As you probably know, pugs don't do well in direct sun, especially black pugs. Today the numbers didn't look all that bad--like 82 or something says Guardian, but we just walked half-way around our circle road, and I was pant, pant, panting. Gus was too busy listening to the lawn mowers and keeping his eyes on the mail truck.  He likes trucks. One day Guardian went to get the mail and next thing she knew, Gus had jumped into the truck, landing on the mail carrier's lap!  He's been wanting to do that again ever since.  But the mail carrier wants no repeat jumping events like that!
Something about the bright sun and no clouds just makes everything hotter.
 It was cool just to slum in the shade.
Gus was just so happy slumming that he wanted his back to enjoy the cool grass, too.

So the next day we figured it would be the same...but whenever Guardian won't let us on the deck to chew on the bully sticks, we know the weather is wacky.  She showed us the temperature number dial.  Guess you can see why we weren't allowed out on the deck or on the grass that day.

We hoped we go out on the deck the next day.  Well, here's the dial again---no sun, some rain, lots of wind and a lower number:

Too cool and wet.  No deck---again! 
What's wrong with that dial, anyway?
 Guardian went on the big Source of Info on the Internet and found about something she said was called "Arctic Amplification." 

Jazz:  Wha?!
Guardian:   Well the ice in the top of the world that pushes hot sun rays back into space has melted.  Then there's more ocean that can't send those rays back, so it heats up.  That messes with the West to East river of winds that create weather changes.  That river of wind looks like a big roller coaster.
This windy roller coaster now goes slower, but the high parts are higher and low parts lower and wider.  That's why we get stuck in days and days of all too hot, too cold, too wet, too dry weather. Then, all of a sudden it changes to something totally the opposite.

Jazz: I have no idea what you just said.  Can we go back on the deck now?
Jazz: Weather seems just fine, Guardian.


  1. Well, I guess that's the nature of spring. Those are two very handsome pugs!

  2. Why, thank you! You are a person with very good taste & a sharp eye :}
