April 3, 2013

M.I.N.A (Missing In Non-Action)

We've been hibernating through this really cold and windy "spring."  We don't get long walks and we don't go to too many interesting places.  So...that's why we've been so silent here.  In case you've forgotten what we look like....

And here's another one...you can see how excited we are (NOT!)

We hope to have some really interesting things to tell you after next week.  Guardian said we're supposed to have a special visitor on Thursday.  But unless it involves food, playing with our 'Cuz balls, food, gentle people who stroke us and food, we don't really care.

I know this is really boring to read...and we're only showing you how it's been for us the past umpteen days.

If you have any interesting stories to tell, we'd love to hear them.  We're fresh out of our own.  Maybe we can borrow yours?

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