July 21, 2012


So I didn’t know Guardian was sending out photos of me to Stratoz, one our blog followers.  He and his wife, Margaret, are really good with making little bits of things into pictures.  And, well, Guardian decided she wanted one of those bit pictures to be of me! The little bits in my picture are really bigger bits of glass, so I’m told.  And that sign that says “Nutmeg Designs” is where Stratoz and Margaret show their other little, medium and big bit pictures.

Guardian was so happy to see it.  My eyes don’t see as well as they used to, but even I liked it!  That’s supposed to be a red background.  If I could see colors, red would be my favorite.

Stratoz (glass bit picture creator), Me, Gus and bit pictures--including the one of MY face! See? It really does look like me!

So, here are Gus and me and Stratoz in front of some of the other pictures made of little bits, the ones Margaret made. You know about my Christmas present—that’s my name.  Then there are the two little bit designs by Margaret.  Guardian told me one was a "healing mandala"—she needed that at one time when she was sick, and when I was much younger. I guess it worked, 'cuz she seems healthy now.  And the other, she said, is a “trivet,” whatever that is.

I told Guardian to let people know where they can look at more at these little, medium and big bit pictures.  They even have those things people (women, mostly) wear around their necks.  They don’t have any more pugs, but I’m sure Stratoz would be happy to make one of your pug, too!  Or whatever picture you wanted with all sorts of great colors that I can’t see, but your eyes can!



  1. One of the best art critiques EVER!

    1. Gee, thanks! How did your scorch your eyebrow???

  2. What a great glass picture !! You are so lucky to have human like him : )

    1. Hi you two! Yeah, Guardian pays lots of attention to me. Sometimes too much--you know ear, tooth, & wrinkle cleaning, nail clipping....

  3. cute photo.
    and the glassy things really do look like you.
